miercuri, 22 decembrie 2010

The presecutions against the ethnic Romanians in Serbia continues

The events happened in the last period in Timoc (Serbia) show the policy of the authorities in Belgrade against the ethnic Romanians.

Predrag Balasevic the leader of the Democratic Party of Romanians in Serbia (PDRS) spoke for Adevarul newspaper in Bucharest.

“The politicians in Serbia and the press in Belgrade see, through our visits to Bucharest, almost treason. We come to Bucharest because we tried in Belgrade and no one listens to us“.

It seems that the recent events are a continuation of what happened in April 2010 when in Petrovac 300 Romanians have been interrogated by prosecutors for presumed false signatures on the election lists.

Predrag Balasevic: We gave them concrete dates about the fraud of elections in the National Council on june 2010. For instance in 92 polling (election) station our representatives were not admitted in the election commissions. On those localities we had no single vote!!!

Also there is NO education in mother tongue (Romanian).

About the right to education in localities like Sipicova, Petrovac and Kucevo the parents requests to open classes in Romanian have been rejected by the Ministry of Education.

An important issue that justifies the aggression of the Serbian Authorities on ethnic Romanians is the census form next spring. Also next year are expected early parliamentary elections and if we will have a new law of local public administrations, local elections as well.

So, there is a lot at stake.

In Timoc there are 154 Romanian localities and 46 mixed localities. We want that at the end of the census to show them the real number of Romanians in Eastern Serbia. We suspect that the authorities will try to falsify the census.

We have the experience of 2002 when the people have been threatened not to declare themselves Romanians.

The Romanians in Serbia have been artificially divided by the authorities in Belgrade in two distinct ethnic communities and organized into National Council of Romanian Minority, with the headquarter in Novi Sad - Voivodina (community recognized as Romanian) and National Council of Vlach Minority, with the headquarter in Petrovac, Timoc Valley (community NOT recognized as Romanian). Thus, the Serbian authorities have done everything possible to legitimate a Vlach Minority and a Vlach language (!!!) artificially created to speed up the ethnic assimilation of Romanian population.

The elections for the national council of minorities in June 2010 have been preceded by an aggressive campaign of the Serbian Authorities against the ones that have listed their names on the Romanian lists with mass investigations and intimidations from the Police.

Over 300 locals from Petrovac and Pojarevac have been taken at night from their houses. Those have been threatened and made traitor for the “guilt” to write their names on the Romanian list.

In November 2010 the new leadership (the fraud leadership) of the National Council of Vlach Minority formed by the socialists and democrats that had antiRomanian orders have adopted a new statute. The document stipulates that the native language is not Romanian any more but Serbian…

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